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a. Introduction

            The testing procedure for this project is detailed in this section. The aspects of the bridge that were tested are detailed and can be found in the requirements section of the proposal. The three main aspects of testing of the bridge structure included, the ability to hold at minimum 20kg of mass loaded centrally to the bridge, the bridge weight being below 85g, and the bridge deck allowing for a 32mm x 25mm block simulating a vehicle to pass through it uninterrupted. These are the main constraints of the bridge but for testing all aspects of the requirements were tested in order to determine success of the bridge.

b. Method/Approach

            The testing method for this project was not one that was particularly difficult, but it was imperative in determining the success or failure of the bridge in an accurate way according to the requirements section of the proposal. The big test was to determine if the structure can hold the required amount of weight without failure. This test was done using a system of weights hanging through a hole at the center of the road deck that will allow for distribution of the weight throughout the bridge. Dimensional checks of the bridge such as width and length of the bridge were done using either calipers or the use of a meter stick, this allowed for a precise measurement of each individual dimensional aspect. These methods of measurement were also used to measure the road deck height of 12mm as well as the raised height of the bridge from the original position in order to make sure the bridge articulated the required 280mm as specified. A force gauge was then used in order to determine that the articulation method allowed for a 10g pull which would allow for at minimum a piece of paper to slip through the bridge and abutment.  

c. Test Procedure

            As far as testing goes basic materials were needed. 2 scales were required, 1 heavy weight scale that was able to weight the overall load that was placed upon the bridge at its failure point as well as a precision scale in order to determine the weight of the bridge as it sat before being pushed to failure. For measurement all that was needed is a set of calipers along with a meter stick, these provide enough capability in order to determine the dimensional properties of the bridge. Finally, a force gauge was also required in order to determine how much force is applied to the articulation method in order to lift the bridge.

d. Deliverables

            First and for most as far as deliverables go it was important to make sure that pictures were taken of the bridge during setup, testing and failure of the bridge so that proper documentation is collected for the final report. Testing uses a variety of setups and measurement devices listed above but in order to keep track of all of these things a checklist has been devised in order to make the process smoother.

Testing: Text

Bridge Length

Requirement: 400mm

Actual Measurement: 400mm

bridge length test.jpg
Testing: Image

Bridge Raise height

Requirement: 200mm

Actual Measurement: 152.4mm

This test failed to meet the requirement due to interference with the raising mechanism.

50 pecent raise test 2.jpg
Testing: Image

Abutment to Road Deck Height

Requirement: less than 12mm

Actual Measurement: 11.2mm

This test was a success as the road deck is less than 12mm from the abutment. 

abutement to road deck test.jpg
Testing: Image

Overall Bridge Weight

Requirement: less than 85 Grams

Actual Measurement: 81.81 Grams

This test was a success as the bridge was under the maximum weight requirement set forth for the project. 

bridge weight.jpg
Testing: Image

Testing Setup

Shows an overview of how failure testing was conducted and what the testing rig looked like. 

failure setup.jpg
Testing: Image

Final Failure Load

Expected weight: 30kg

Required Minimum 18.9kg

Actual weight held: 19.01kg

This test met the required minimum but fell short of the expected value of the design. The problem occurred at the road deck as it broke straight through the deck. with more reinforcement placed around the loading area of the road deck the bridge would have come closer to the expected failure load. 

failure weight.jpg
Testing: Image
Testing: Video
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